'; echo ''; echo ''; #Note: For other languages, their login.html is in their respective directories. echo 'Login to ChurchMapped'; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ' '; echo ''; echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; #This ends the HEAD segment for the login page. #This begins the login page for the login page. Two things should be noted: we do not include a reference to ChurchMapped Adverts as it is unnecessary. We do not include the preloader here as it is not necessary for the purposes of the login page. echo ''; #Remember that we display the login fields for both PERSONAL and BUSINESS accounts here. Furthermore, we display an area for the user to visit either the registration page for PERSONAL accounts or BUSINESS accounts. Remember that in the PHP file loginandlogoutmanagement.php, the field for the username is loginUsername and the field for the password is loginPassword. However, note that for stylistic purposes we should use a different id - say, loginUsernameForLoginPage, rather than loginUsername - because the stylesheet is used with regards to these two for how it appears on the home page (index.html) Also remember that we need to establish the type of the account (as determined by the POST variable $_POST['typeOfAccount') as we will need this for the script loginandlogoutmanagement.php. Remember that this takes two values: PERSONAL or BUSINESS. # We need to create *two* forms - one for PERSONAL and one for BUSINESS. Also remember to set the method to POST and action to simply leave as blank (i.e. ""). echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
Personal account:
'; echo '
'; echo '
Login to your personal account here:
'; echo '
'; #This is the username for the PERSONAL account echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo 'Enter the password for your personal account here:'; #This is the password for the PERSONAL account echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; #We use a hidden field within this form to invisibly submit the value of PERSONAL to the script echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo 'Don\'t have a personal account? Consider registering here.'; echo '
'; echo '
'; #This begins the area for the BUSINESS user echo '
'; #Note that we choose a different id here because there should never be two identical ids on the same page. Remember that ids are mainly the concern of JavaScript, whilst the name attribute is mainly the concern of PHP (or a backend equivalent like ASP.NET) echo '
'; echo '
Business account:
'; echo '
'; echo '
Login to your business account here:
'; echo '
'; #This is the username for the BUSINESS account echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
Enter the password of your business account here:
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; #We use a hidden field to invisibly submit the value of BUSINESS to the script echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo 'Don\'t have a business account? Consider registering here.'; ############ This ends the main information of the login page. ############ This part relates the various legal information that should be displayed on a login page # At the end, we need to display important legal information. The page-specific style qualities ensures that the text is at the bottom. echo '
'; echo '
'; # This part shows the link to the privacy policy and terms and conditions. echo 'Please read our privacy policy and terms and conditions'; echo '
'; # This part describes the address of ChurchMapped Limited, the phone number, the VAT number, the availability as well as important information relating to user privacy. echo '
'; # We do not display any JavaScript tags below here because they are not necessary for the login page. echo ''; echo ''; ?>